To say Brittany and I go way back is an understatement. I love this sweet bride. We've been friends for a long time, and I was so honored that she asked me to photograph her big day. I loved everything about it. The colors were so rich; the lighting was phenom. the inside jokes had me laughing the whole time. I'm so blessed to know a lot of this wedding party and call many of them good friends.
Chris lights up when he sees Brittany. It's so sweet. And his sentimental wedding gift to his bride had all of us in tears. While he got her these amazing shoes she'd been wanting, he surprised her with a Bible that had her name new monogrammed on it. <3
Brittany, you were such a stunning bride. I refrained from saying this on your wedding day because I knew I'd start crying, but you were def channeling your inner-Belle. ;) (Inside joke) I'm so happy for you, and I'm so happy you found someone that treats you like the queen you are!